
News > What are the advantages of the sliding gate opener?

What are the advantages of the sliding gate opener?

Edor | 2022/11/10

1. Strong stability and durability. First of all, a good sliding opener equipment maintains a good technological level in the material selection and process execution of each part. The basic quality and quality level of the sliding gate motor systems are good, and this good quality directly makes automatic gate opener one of the very stable and durable products.

2. The control system is mature and runs smoothly, and at the same time, the technical maturity of the related control system of the sliding gate operator equipment is very good, which is mainly due to the core control technology mastered by the brand developers of the sliding gate system, and we also know What is the important role that the sliding door machine equipment has display, stable and smooth operation.

3. The operation and management are convenient, and on the other hand, the well-recognized sliding gate opener also has the outstanding characteristics of very convenient operation and management. Further more, the end users of the sliding gate operator also feel very convenient thanks to its high-quality intelligent identification switch.

4. Details of OSSDEN sliding gate motor

AC22OV 800kg, 1200kg, 1800kg, 2500kg capacity

1)Can work in variety conditions 220v-265V power supply

2) Maintenance free

3) Soft start and slow stop

4) Pedestrian function

5) Phone app control (WIFI)

6) Stop automatically when there is resistance

7) One remote can control up to 4 motors



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